Power Of Observation- The Invisible Japanese Gentlemen by Graham Greene

Power Of Observation- The Invisible Japanese Gentlemen by Graham Greene

Power of observation means the ability to notice something very attentively and properly. This is important for both the writer and reader. This helps a person to acquire knowledge and develop his skills. The Invisible Japanese gentlemen by Graham Greene is a short story in which there was a lady with her fiancé and some Japanese gentleman in a restaurant. The unnamed narrator of this story was sitting there at a table between the couple and the Japanese gentleman and he was overhearing the conversation between the couple. Mainly the lady character in the story was very much optimistic and overconfident about the success of our first written novel. 

The Invisible Japanese Gentlemen by Graham Greene

She demanded that she had good power of observation. But after reading the whole story we come to know that her power of observation was not as good as she demanded. Because she was totally unaware of the presence of those Japanese gentlemen though they were in the restaurant for a long time. On the other hand, the narrator of the story described the whole incident elaborately so that it is easy to understand the story for the readers. So it is clear that the power of observation of the lady writer wasn’t good. Though both the lady and the narrator were writers the narrator’s observation skill is obviously better than the lady's. Power of observation is very much important to be a writer.

To be a successful writer one must have to be aware of his surroundings. A writer includes various characters, plots,  story lines. Sometimes these are real and sometimes these are imagery. Imagination is totally dependent upon observation. So if anyone wants to use his imagination in his writing then firstly he needs to develop the ability to observe. In this process, a writer will be able to collect a lot of material for his story from his surroundings. The ability to observe comes naturally to humans, without it we couldn’t have survived as a species. But we have to develop our power of observation to improve our skills of writing. It is also important for students. Without observing surroundings along with bookies study student cannot be successful in his studies. It is most important for the student of literature. Because sometimes they have to imagine characters, settings, plots.  If any student has good power of observation he can easily realize the auditory imagery and also can visualize the visual imagery used in a story. So to be smart and wise we have to practice more and more and we also have to improve our power of observation.


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invisible Japanese gentlemen

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